Category: Assignment 3

  • Question 4

    4. For question #2, what did you do differently from the original post? Please outline, explain and justify what you changed & why. Essentially, what did you learn from this new topic and what did you change and why. (8 Marks)   The first change I made was to add images to the article, one of…

  • Question 3

    3. For question #2, please outline in detail how your new post addressed the three main objectives as discussed in class. Please outline in detail for each. (9 Marks The first main objective for the reader is to find what they need, to address this I first had to understand what it is they need…

  • Question 2

     2. In a previous assignment, you wrote an introduction article in the “F” pattern. Based on what we discussed in class and based on the feedback provided in class, write a new introductory “content” incorporating “plain English writing for the web” in the “F” pattern including visuals. You are to include your “revised version” (if…

  • Question 1

    1. We spoke about Plain English writing in class. Please answer the following in detail:   a. How would you explain to someone what “Plain English writing” is? (3 Marks)   Essentially plain writing is a form of writing made to be easily understood and straightforward. The goal of plain language writing is to communicate with your…